Friday, April 8, 2011

Get outta my brain!

Still find it so strange how HCG can affect the brain. I'm still having some pretty vivid dreams. Once again I dreamt I was in high school and was running late to class. Blahblahblah happened, and I actually woke up thinking that I was late for school!! I am 31yo, I haven't been in school in forever! lol
Just weird.

Anywho, here are the tests for today :)

The line on the HPT is faint but still there. Hmmm, I'm around 4dpo today..... sigh... I can already feel the anxiety kicking in. Going to read some books or something. Keep me distracted!


Anonymous said...

What's HCG? Have you ever heard of taking Kelp for hypothyroidism? I told my first pill yesterday and OMG, I had some pretty wild dreams last night.

LisaB said...

Ahh the crazy dreams! They really mess with me sometimes! I was talking in my sleep last night and woke myself up. I don't usually do that LoL. Good luck hun!