Friday, February 11, 2011

This is it!......maybe!

First, no exercise today. I chose sleep instead. I feel a little guilty, but it's not like I can't just exercise tomorrow.
Will probably do the eliptical tomorrow since DH will be home and I hate exercising in front of him. But maybe me doing it while he is home will motivate him to start.

On another note, I did take an answer test just a little while ago. BFN. I'm not going to bother w/ the progest sups any longer. Also when I used the bathroom then, wiped away what looked like AF type of blood along with a few small clots. Just want it to start already.
Was thinking maybe I could use the rest of the sups down the road to bring on AF, but not sure if they would work like provera does? I probably won't even bother.

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