Monday, March 28, 2011

Mmmmm Jerky.....

So, I almost forgot to take photos of dinner tonight lol. Sat down getting ready to chow down. Took a bite of salad and remembered finally :P

Tonight, we had a salad. Romaine lettuce, kale (new fav food), grape tomatoes. I found a paleo honey mustard dressing for DH to try out. He thought it was ok.
I had my usual olive oil and balsamic. I used some garlic salt with it as well (trying to cut down on the jalapenos).

For the main dish, I made a crockpot pot roast. Not sure what kind of meat this is lol.
No real measurements of anything. Put in some baby carrots, sliced mushrooms, and about 4 stalks of chopped up celery. Seasoning, celery seed, garlic powder, black pepper, salt and about 1/2 cup of chicken stock I had left over.
Started cooking it at around 6am this morning, so it's been cooking on low for 11hrs.
I thought it was missing something. Maybe needed a little more saltiness for my liking, or wish the juices with it were a bit thicker like a gravy. It wasn't bad or anything, just IMO needed something else to complete the flavor. DH really liked it though. OO and in the photo you can see my dinner pills lol. There's metformin, royal jelly, evening primrose oil and fish oil :D

And I also put the jerky on the dehydrator today. I marinaded them 2 different ways. Both paleo style of course.
One is I guess a more traditional just regular spices type, and the other is a teriyaki.

Teriyaki recipe. I thought the lemon and lime flavor overpowered everything else. Just too much of it. I added some honey to it to try to make it more of a traditional flavor. It's not bad jerkified though.

And here's the other marinade. Scroll down a little to Tom Reyes post. I used a different seasoning salt and a little less of it, but this is the one I like.

And a photo of the jerky so far. Some of the thicker slices are still on the dehydrator. We've already skarfed down a good portion of it though lol.


Anonymous said...

oh I made pot roast this Sunday too. I usually separate portions to take for lunch. I did horribly for dinner today. :( and it was my intension to work out but I had a huge allergy attack so Im drugged and ready for bed already

LisaL said...

I hope you feel better!